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 Question from user


Dear user: Kimberly L Coffey has informed us that they have not yet received your payment for the following item: 1915 Amatuer SG Photo BATON ROUGE LA. Capitol Bldg. (#6219911642)

No action is being taken against your account at this time. However, it is important to remember that when you bid on or buy an item you are agreeing to a contract between you and the seller. If the situation isn't resolved within 7 days of this reminder, you may receive an Unpaid Item strike under eBay's Unpaid Item Policy or lose feedback privileges for this transaction, or if you think that is a mistake and you don`t know who is Kimberly L Coffey answer to this message from Kimberly L Coffey and login into your account right now to resolv the problem .

If you don't respond by Ian-28-2006 you may receive an Unpaid Item strike.

Most Unpaid Item disputes can be resolved through direct communication between the buyer and seller, and we encourage you to work with your trading partner to reach a resolution. .



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