Welcome to Small Business Help in the Green Mountain State.

"Press F1 for Help"

     You can buy help from almost any consultant or think tank, but you might find the answer here first for free. As we teach and learn, we post short answers to frequently asked questions in almost as many fields as our North Puffin cows have. You won't find a cure for cancer here, but you might find out how to get WordPerfect 5.1 to work with a modern Windows printer, how to size a wood stove, or how to rewrite an article. Have a look at the index on the next page.

Our Free Resource Pages have articles with tips and tricks, troubleshooting and application maintenance help, links to other useful sites and resources, and some tutorials.

Application Support that you might still want to pay for.

The Consultant's Page has the nitty gritty about rates.

Shareware offers some utilities you also might want to pay for.

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